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We started meeting weekly as a jam band. Simply getting together to be creative and make music. These slowly morphed into a lot of great ideas and hours of playing. Eventually we started merging ideas into songs with riffs and rhythms we'd created. With collective musical expressions ranging from Rush, to Anberlin, Jon Foremen, U2, Jack Johnson, Dave Mathews, and Explosions in the sky we've created a unique sound true to who we are both musically and lyrically. We would best be described as a folk rock meets post modern rock sandwich. 



Greg Finstad
Guitar(s!)/Master Puppeteer

Tyler Cody
Backup Tambouriner/ acoustic shuffle

Derek Wilder 

Kazoo and Bass

Joe Strom
 Lead Tambouriner

Tim Robertson

Bass/Keytar/ Miami Vice



Special thanks to CFC Qualicum for letting us bang around at all hours (keith and Cindy!), Ron Vrumlin @ Dragonfly Studios for making us sound better then what we are, and most of all to our wives and children for letting us spend countless hours on 4 mintues of music. 

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